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Repopulating Your Gut with Friendly Bacteria

“In a 2011 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, mice fed probiotics had significantly lower levels of the stress hormone corticosterone than mice fed plain broth. The bacteria fed mice also exhibited much less behaviour linked with stress anxiety and depression than mice fed plain broth. What’s also interesting is that both animal and human studies have shown that certain probiotics can alleviate anxiety by rebalancing the microbiome.” Dr David Perlmutter “Brain Maker.”

We are finally entering a new age where medical science embraces the pivotal importance of a healthy gut. The enormous benefits of a healthy diet combined with a gut flora prolific in good bacteria is being recognised by the mainstream medical profession as being essential for our vitality and well being mentally and physically. The relationship between our gut/brain health as well as every other organ and system in the body is being scientifically proven. No longer are anti biotics the panacea for all our ills this is the age of natural healing.

Many of us suffer from debilitating and long term ailments including; constipation, diarrhoea, liver complaints, halitosis, flatulence, IBS, SIBO, candida, skin problems; acne, eczma, psoriasis, bloating asthma, allergies, depression, anxiety, lethargy, to name a few. A lot of these problems may have been caused or exacerbated by the food we eat, exposure to pollutants and long term use of medication such as anti biotics. The restoration of a healthy gut can be vastly improved by taking three simple steps;

  1. De-tox your intestinal tract with deep cleanses and colon hydrotherapy

  2. Introduce a wide spectrum of positive bacteria into the gut.

  3. Make appropriate dietary changes

Colon Hydrotherapy and Deep Intestinal Cleanses are the quickest way to help old toxic bacteria, parasites and yeast organisms to leave the system. Then we can begin to benefit from the positive changes we hopefully have made to our diet. Otherwise we are just putting in good on top of bad. We can also benefit enormously from High Potency Good Bacteria Infusionsdirect into the descending colon which I administer at CHHC. This includes; 70 billion viable cells of bifido bacterium bifidum, bifido bacterium longum, lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus casei, lactobacillus plantarum, lactobacillus rhamnosus, lactobacillus brevis, lactobacillus salivarius streptococcus thermophilus in a base of organic Kefir (optional). These support mineral absorption and the production of B vitamins and Vitamin K they also help improve immune function and metabolism as well as the breakdown of toxins and optimise bowel transit time and the digestion of proteins and carbohydrates

Dietary Changes to support a healthy gut and healthy bacteria. Organic where possible, Alkaline foods (75 per cent) including, Vegetables, Salads, Fruit, Seeds, Nuts

Foods Containing Probiotics.

Sauerkraut, Kimchi and other cultured vegetables contain Lactobacillus Plantarum one of the most beneficial bacterial in your body and also Lactobacillus Brevis. Fermented, Raw Dairy Products such as Yoghurt, Kefir, Soured milk, etc, contain Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Bifidobacterium Lactis, Thermophilus, Bifidus, Bulgaricus. Unpasteurized Miso (fermented soybeans) contains the fungal microorganism Aspergillus Oryzae. Kombucha, (started by using a SCOBY –symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast). All help to create and maintain a healthy Microbiome.

Foods Containing Prebiotics

Raw Jerusalem Artichokes, Raw Dandelion Greens, Raw Garlic, Raw Leeks, Raw Onion, Cooked Onions, Raw Asparagus, Raw Banana, Raw Chicory Root, Acacia Gum

New Treatment: To help facilitate the application of High Strength Probiotics direct into the large intestine, from March 2018, I will be offering a new treatment. This includes a short Colon Hydrotherapy session of 10-15 minutes, suitable for those who have had a course of colonics in the past, followed by a probiotic infusion. This hopefully will make it possible for more people to benefit from the wide ranging positive effects of a gut brimming with healthy good bacteria.


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